Application period annually in December-Early January

2 rounds per cohort
First call for scholarships and second for self-funded students

Scholarships for both European and non-European students

Self-funded students
If you are really interested in and don't get a scholarship, it's still possible to join as self-funded student
SE4GD invites applications from top students of all nationalities. The admission process is competitive and only the best applicants are selected.
Interested in applying to SE4GD?
- Learn more about our curriculum, hosting universities and consortium members. See also reasons to choose SE4GD.
- Have a look at our admission requirements. Pay special attention to the English language proficiency requirements. If a language test result is required from you, you should book a seat for a language test immediately because the current pandemic may influence the availability of test locations.
- Start collecting your application documents.
- Follow the instructions for applying and make sure you submit your application before the application deadline.
In order to be considered for admission, your application must be completed in full, in accordance with all stated requirements, and submitted before the application deadline. There will be no exceptions to the admission criteria or the deadlines.
About the application process ...

The student application and selection procedure will be organized in such a way that students will apply to the programme via LUT University (the coordinating partner) and then will be selected by a panel of SE4GD partners (Admission board) based on the selection processes outlined here.
- The registration for the application procedure will be online via the eMundus service. This service allows students to submit their applications and the needed appendices and allows the selection committee to collaborate in the selection process.
- The application deadline for the applicants will be 18.1.2023 15.00 (UTC+2).
- The applicants’ status will be updated as the process produces it.
- A second application period will be opened for self-funded students later in spring.
Self-funded students need to fulfill the minimum requirements of the programme, and the programme reserves the right to restrict the number of self-funded students.
Selection of the applicants ...
…is made in 3 steps (in both application periods):
- The Admissions Office at LUT University checks eligibility of the applicants according to the outlined requirements. Applicants need to fulfill the host universities’ common student admission requirements for enrollment purposes.
- The eligible applicants will be ranked by the Admission Board according to the Ranking Criteria (Quality) established by the programme consortium. Each academic partner will participate in the applicant evaluation process as each applicant is evaluated at least by two partners. Based on the ranking a predefined number of students will be interviewed for final offers.
- The Admissions Office of SE4GD checks the authenticity of the certificates and diplomas of the selected students.
The decision concerning approved candidates will be made based on the annual Admission Board selection meeting’s results and interviews.
The list with candidates signed by academic representatives from all hosting universities will be sent to the Agency. The students will be immediately informed by e-mail and via admission portal by change of their status (accepted, rejected or on the reserve list).
Applying as a self-funded students
- Scholarship selection results are published in April.
- Application for self-funded positions opens in April No Erasmus Mundus scholarships will be granted in this application round BUT you may apply for other scholarships/grants.
- Applicants for the self-funded positions are evaluated with the same criteria as all the other applicants in the Erasmus Mundus scholarship call.